Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Friendaversary!

Happy one-year friendaversary Ian! The best thing the Ask Stella page ever did: let me meet one of my BFFs, Ian! You probably know him too, his website is Winx Bakugan Pokemon
Thanks so much for the Cyndapras (Cyndaquil+Lapras) Ian!!
Also, I realized that the day before yesterday was the day I first met gamercatgirl! I drew this picture of Tecna for her! HAPPY FRIENDAVERSARY GUYS!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Season 4 in English!

Thanks so much to Sean, Red Fountain Senior, who's agreed to add the English season 4 episodes to the Episodes Page! Welcome to the team, Sean!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

gamercatgirl: Off-Duty

gamercatgirl is also going on vacation, so for a little while, it's just me and Kateplebia. Have fun, gamercatgirl! :D